David and Cassey’s Wedding

Being a part of a couple’s wedding day is such an amazing thing and I felt very lucky to be able to help David and Cassey. Their wedding was so well thought out which made it so much more special. Everything Cassey had planned had meaning and significance. Anyway, I’ll just let the pictures do the talking.

John and Lindsey’s Wedding

May 29, 2010

I have been looking forward to this wedding ever since Lindsey contacted me a year ago. After I met with her and John, I felt very lucky to be a part of their special day. They went with the classic wedding package and Lindsey did such a great job having a lot the details figured out. I helped her fine tune some details and to make sure she and her family/guests could enjoy the night and not worry about anything.

I got the awesome privilege of working alongside the fabulous Paul Carlson and using J’s Fresh Flower Market which Lindsey and her bridesmaids helped put together. The wedding and reception were amazing and Lindsey did such a great job making everything personal. The wedding ceremony was at her church, First Covenant, and then the reception was at Noto’s (a place I am very familiar working with).

The wedding colors were teal and green (so pretty) and I loved that Lindsey didn’t wear a veil, but instead wore a teal feather in her hair (very SATC). The flowers were gorgeous and the weather was perfect.

The wedding was gorgeous, the bridal party was a lot of fun, the guests were great, and Lindsey and John looked lovely. Lindsey and John, I wish you all the best as you begin your amazing journey together.


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Kim’s Bridal Shower

Saturday, May 1, 2010
I had the lovely privilege of planning Kim’s bridal shower. I got free range over everything (from food, colors, decor, etc) which I love because then my talents in design can be fully unleashed. Since Kim’s favorite colors are blue and green I made that the theme of the shower (no all-white for this shower). It was a brunch, so I got to have fun with the food since I don’t get to do a lot of brunch parties. I used green fruit to decorate with and blue glass stones and decorated the tables in hues of blues. The food was catered from my favorite spot (chocolate fruit cups, yum!) and was nicely offset with white modern platters/serving dishes. And of course, mimosas were a must! Kim is a lovely girl and I was thrilled to be able to plan her a bridal shower.

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This week has been just glorious in Grand Rapids. It truly feels like spring is here. Just the other day I was puttering around my house and I kept noticing all the new growth and green buds that are coming up from the ground and on the trees. What better time for perfect weather with Easter Sunday coming up.
For those of you having friends and family over Easter is a time to celebrate new life. What better way to celebrate new life than with green grasses, eggs, and beautiful flowers. Decorating should be the easy part of your Sunday Easter, that way you have time to make a great meal and celebrate with loved ones.
ideas: pastel colors (pinks, greens, yellows, blues, purples), tulips and daffodils, egg holders, green grasses, linen table clothes,
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St. Patricks Day

This is one holiday that I seem to glance right over. A lot of people, myself included, would rather go out than stay in. Maybe the green beer is tempting them to go out, or the fact that everyone will be wearing ridiculous green tee-shirts that say, “kiss me, I’m Irish” but either way, I don’t throw that many St.Patrick’s Day parties. However, I hope to change that in the coming years, especially since I find the phenomenon of cocooning a lot more appealing than fighting traffic downtown. But nonetheless, I thought I would inspire the party-throwers with a little inspiration for a lucky green filled party.
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