Holiday Happiness

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I hope you all had a great Christmas. It was certainly a wintry week, but a very pretty one. The ice covered world, uh, gorgeous! Then add the dusting of powdery snow atop that glittering crystal, ah-ma-zing. I know all my photog friends were outside snapping up a storm. This Christmas I was not able to travel to Alberta to visit Jas and my family, so I snuggled in at my parents for a very, very quiet Christmas. With my siblings living in other States and Countries (and Jas living in Alberta), it means that holiday’s usually are just my parents and I. This December, my mom and I put up the Christmas tree, with a few hilarious hiccups along the way, decorated the house in enough pine boughs to make you think you were walking through a forest, and had Peter, Paul and Mary’s Christmas Album playing loud enough for even the smallest creature outside the house to hear.

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With December drawing to a close and Christmas Decorations being taken down, and a New Year just within reach, I am reminded that each moment is special, no matter how quiet and small, as long as I spend it with those I love.


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I stumbled upon this quote today and it couldn’t have come at a better time. The road to comparison is never a good road to go down and it never ends well. It is a slippery slope and once you are on it, it is very hard to get off it. You would think at some point we would learn to be content with who we are and what we have. You would hope that at some point we  would grow up and get over it. If only it were that easy. At 28, I still have not learned my lesson. This past week has been hard; I think I have beaten myself up about a million times by comparing myself to other people and their perfect lives.

With Facebook, Instagram, blogs, etc, sometimes we look at everyone else’s life and think they have it all. After all, it’s really easy for people to make their lives look and sound perfect. Plus, there are those little numbers constantly reminding us that we are still far from 1,000 Facebook Likes or 10,000 Instagram followers. Why do we use those numbers as a gauge for our self-worth? See, not a good road at all.

Ironically, Thanksgiving is just a few short days away, reminding me that I have so much to be thankful and joyful for. I am truly blessed. We are all truly blessed.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Sneak Peek: Katherine and Cole

November 9, 2013

Grand Rapids Wedding Planner

Where has autumn gone?

With one wedding left for 2013, I find myself cocooning inside my house covered in blankets, staring outside at the chilly air. Oh wait, that’s only in my daydreams. With only one wedding left, things are winding down on the wedding front, but picking up on every other front. So, instead of sitting inside with a cup of steaming tea, I find myself bundling up in my woolen scarves, with a mug of hot chocolate in hand, running around town for clients, emailing late into the night, picking up thousands of fabric scraps that have migrated all over the house, and feeling like autumn has literally passed me by in my sleep. Is it winter already? I was looking at my planner today, thinking to myself that I should get started on my Christmas shopping, wondering if I have time to pick up my tofurkey before next week, and wondering if Superman has a phone number so he can help me with those mundane tasks like buying clothing labels, hang tags, and POS supplies. Thankfully, I have some pretty fantastic friends and family who have given up their days-off to help me winterize my succulents, create my fashion brand, make jewelry, and guide me on balancing event planning with fashion design. For you, I am forever thankful.

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I am also thankful for nights when my internet is on the fritz, so instead of working, I get to take the night off and watch (I mean really watch, not working and watching) a movie with popcorn. When the sun shines for just a couple hours and I can finish spray painting my trunk.

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After all, we can be thankful for even the smallest things in life.

Sneak Peek: Chad & Melinda

November 2, 2013

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My first Halloween costume party rehearsal!

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